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Steps to Web 2.0

Two days ago I was at the University of St. Gallen for the final presentations of the term papers of a seminar on Web 2.0 communication strategies. A project team had elaborated an issue coverage with communication and fundraising proposals for my office. I had several preliminary talks with the professor, coming from Berlin, and the team and was now curious about their proposals.

Two students of the team picked me up at the station and accompanied me to the campus. In the seminar room a young person said hello, presenting himself. I first thought he was a student, but he was the professor from Berlin. 4 teams were presenting their issue coverages for 4 different NGOs. The presentation of my team was the first.

They had analysed that we are only partially using the possibilities of the new social media instruments and that networking between different platforms like blogs, Wikipedia, Facebook and YouTube would enhance the effectiveness of communication activities, making proposals for the next steps.

The students did a good job, in view of the fact that they still have little experience of the professional world and its mechanism. There was quiet an optimism about the possibilities these social media offer. In my office there is more scepticism around, as per the real use for our purposes, though the intererest is rising in the management. A collegue and I are working on doing experiments with social media platforms. Maybe together with the inputs of the students and some more discussions the management will decide about a “go”.

The way to the university

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