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The Krishna-Ashram

Thursday evening we went to the Krishnashram in Visakhapatnam. It is a beautiful place with a 100 years old villa which was given some years ago to the WTT for service activities. The old couple who lived there already called it Krishnashram. After evening prayer Master Kumar explained to us the impressive range of volunteer service activities, run by a large team of doctors, specialist and retired professionals, giving free homoeo treatments, cardiac prevention counselling, eye treatment, professional training, wisdom books, feeding the poor and worship of the cow: The milk of the cows, which were gifted by people supporting the cow worship, is being distributed to the children of Mithila school. In the centre there is also food prepared and daily distributed to the different Mithila schools with three-wheelers. There are also daily ritualistic activities going on conducted by Brother Siva Sankar. He is in charge of communication between the different service centres of the WTT and is a very good networker and communicator, keeping the contact with the general society as well.

Master Kumar presented the different volunteer workers, some of them in high positions such as hospital director or government officials. All do their service in silence and simplicity – and the vibration of the spiritual energy is very much present throughout the place.
Siva Sankar, the brother of Master Kumar, at the display of books

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