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A Class Meeting

This weekend I went by train up through Germany to a place in the north of Frankfort, where a cousin of mineĀ  had organised the annual meeting of my highschool class – now 36 years after leaving school. We had been together during 9 years and then spread into different directions and professions. I hadn’t been at the meetings of the last years, and so I was looking forward of seeing some of the old classmates again.

At the fast train station already three friends were waiting for me. A big black Mercedes was ready to pick us up: One comrade with whom I had been together a lot during school times is now head of Munich Airport and had managed to come for part of the weekend. In the car he told us that it is a rare occasion for him to be just with normal people who don’t want anything from him or who don’t look at him as something special… My cousin replied: That’s the destiny of alpha animals…

We were just a small group of 6, from a class of originally 14. Some had sent a short-turn negative reply due to health or family problems.

Some weeks ago one of the classmates had converted an old film on DVD, which was made at the end of our school time – a portrait of each of us. It was like a message in a bottle, to see me and the others after so many years. It was astonishing to see that in our behaviour you could already see the traits which had just been worked out over the years.

I leave here aside the details of our meeting – too many non-bloggable personal things. We didn’t stick much to old memories, it was a lively discussion about the different paths and experiences, with a familiarity which is rare with other people – in spite of the wide range of different attitudes.

When I was asked about my way, besides the profession, it was not so easy for me to explain the essence of the journey through the subtle worlds. Speaking about the Circle of Good Will, someone asked, What do you mean with good-will? What do you understand with spirituality? What is… I tried to explain these fundamentals, but felt that it is difficult to convey processes of inner transformations and experiences with collegues who are partly not familiar with similar experiences, and words cannot convey them. It was the first time I could speak to them in some more detail about what is moulding my life, though just in a short outline. And so I came to know that one friend also is sometimes doing buddhist meditations, and he had a book with him about a talk of a scientist and a buddhist teacher.

This morning we had a last exchange before we broke up, back to our different places in life.

Sewing machines from the collection of my cousin, of nearly 30 machines of partly historic value: A good symbol for the class meeting.

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