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Promoting the Unity of Life 1: The “One World Award”

There are quite a number of initiatives all around the globe, which stand up to foster the awareness of unity. Yesterday I came to know about two interesting activities. I’ll present them in three blogposts

The “ONE WORLD AWARD – the Prize for ‘One World’ ” was launched recently by a German health food company Rapunzel. Its founders Jennifer Vermeulen and Joseph Wilhelm have sponsored the 25.000 Euro cash prize to honour the visions and achievements of individual persons. Their contributions and projects that have the goal to make the world a better place. People who give examples of positive globalization using innovative ideas and dedication, people who make the future worth living. The prize is awarded every two years. The jury is formed by Tewolde B. G. Eghziaber, Director General of the Ethiopian Environmental Protection authority, Vandana Shiva from India and member of the Club of Rome, and Alberto Lernoud, a journalist, poet, activist, trader and true pioneer of the organic movement in Argentina.

A very encouraging prize initiative

A flower globe at a fair in Berne, last Sunday

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