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In Special Missions or Feeling like a Spiritual VIP

I today had a phone call with a French speaking person who said that we mentioned something about the Avatar of Synthesis on our website (see here, here or here). He then pointed out that since some time he is in contact with the Avatar of Synthesis and a channel of him, and that through this work Jupiter is just being transformed into a sun. He asked, if I were interested to know more about it. I answered, not really – the best would be that he follows the unfoldment of his inspiration and I’ll follow mine.

It’s a funny game of spiritual boasting, which wasn’t the first encounter of that kind. From time to time I come across people who like delving into lofty spheres, claiming to have a special mission. It seems that special missions give you the feeling of being someone special, a spiritual VIP. To me however, this seems to be like junk food – looking nice but not really nourishing the soul. It isn’t authentic, just another kind of glamour.

A golden ball in a nearby garden, like an easter egg. Photo from this afternoon’s walk

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